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Korda Square Pear Swivel

Korda Square Pear Swivel

Грузило Квадратная Груша

Код товара: SQPS11-SQPS5
Производитель: KORDA Каталог (Korda 2018/2019)
Категория: Грузила
Цена: от: 110 грн. цена без скидки
Цена со скидкой: от: 88 грн. -20% вы экономите 22 грн.
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SQPS11 Korda Square Pear Swivel 1.1oz - 31gr 1шт 110 грн. 88 грн.(-20%) нет в наличии
SQPS15 Korda Square Pear Swivel 1.5oz - 43gr 1шт 110 грн. 88 грн.(-20%) нет в наличии
SQPS2 Korda Square Pear Swivel 2oz - 56gr 1шт 110 грн. 88 грн.(-20%) нет в наличии
SQPS25 Korda Square Pear Swivel 2.5oz - 70gr 1шт 110 грн. 88 грн.(-20%) нет в наличии
SQPS3 Korda Square Pear Swivel 3oz - 84gr 1шт 123 грн. 98 грн.(-20%) нет в наличии
SQPS35 Korda Square Pear Swivel 3.5oz - 100gr 1шт 123 грн. 98 грн.(-20%) нет в наличии
SQPS4 Korda Square Pear Swivel 4oz - 120gr 1шт 123 грн. 98 грн.(-20%) есть в наличии
SQPS5 Korda Square Pear Swivel 5oz - 140gr 1шт 132 грн. 106 грн.(-19%) есть в наличии

Square Pear Swivel

These leads were deigned after filming Underwater Part Four. Without any doubt, when fishing on a hard gravel bottom inline leads hook the carp quicker than swivel type leads. The reason for this is that the fish always pick up the lead from the heavy end first, because the hook link is always attached to the heavy end of the lead.

In the case of Korda inlines the swivel is actually semi-fixed inside the lead, exaggerating the instant bolt effect. What Dan set about doing after watching the fish hooking themselves on Part 4, was to design the most condensed shape of lead possible. So, a fish would have to move the minimum distance before it felt the full weight of the lead.

Now, the most condensed shape of all is a ball, but a ball could possibly roll around before the full weight is felt and it isnt tapered towards the back of the lead enough to stop the hook link tangling around it.

So, Dan chose to put four flat sides onto the ball and gently taper the back to avoid tangles. An appropriate name that summed up the lead, was of course the Square Pear.

As an inline there is no lead out there that the fish will feel the full weight of more instantly. Even as a swivel lead, the fish will still feel more of the weight sooner because its so short and one end of the lead is almost the same as the other. Only the movement of the swivel will make a difference.

So in short, you have the most condensed inline lead and swivel lead there can be, with flat sides that works in a fishing situation. We know because this is already the second generation of square pear, the first generation was too square which meant some times it wouldnt roll over and lie on its side; instead it sat on its end with the swivel at the top of the lead sticking bolt upright off the lake bed, not ideal at all.

This lead will cast almost as far as a normal pear lead but will have better hooking potential so I recommend you use it everywhere you can. The only time to change is when it will not cast far enough, then its time to change to a Skyliner for inlines or a Tournament or Swivel Distance for swivel type systems. To maximise distance use a swivel lead, as it will always cast further than an inline.

SQPS11 - 1.1oz / 31g
SQPS15 - 1.5oz / 43g
SQPS2 - 2oz / 56g
SQPS25 - 2.5oz / 70g
SQPS3 - 3oz / 84g
SQPS35 - 3.5oz / 100g
SQPS4 - 4oz / 112g
SQPS5 - 5oz / 140g

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